Monday, April 25, 2011

The Decision

Lent is over as you all know. Therefore, this blog would appear to be over, but I've had multiple people tell me that I should keep blogging. So I need opinions! What should I blog about? Should I continue to blog? Let me know, Comment, Facebook comment, email me, anything! But unless I get enough response or ideas, I'll quite likely just stop doing so, because figuring out to write takes time, but I love doing it, so if I still have people who want to read my writing, I will continue.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Pascha! Time to Party!

How to say Christ is Risen, (and respond) in basically a bajillion languages!

English: Christ is Risen! Truly He is risen! 

Albanian: Khrishti unjal! Vertet unjal!

Aleut: Khristus anahgrecum! Alhecum anahgrecum!

Alutuq: Khris-tusaq ung-uixtuq! Pijii-nuq ung-uixtuq!

Amharic: Kristos tenestwal! Bergit tenestwal!

Anglo-Saxon: Crist aras! Crist sodhlice aras!

Arabic: El Messieh kahm! Hakken kahm!

Armenian: Kristos haryav ee merelotz! Orhnial eh harootyunuh kristosee!

Aroman: Hristolu unghia! Daleehira unghia!

Athabascan: Xristosi banuytashtch'ey! Gheli banuytashtch'ey!

Bulgarian: Hristos voskrese! Vo istina voskrese!

Byelorussian: Khrystos uvaskros! Sapraudy uvaskros!

Chinese: Helisituosi fuhuole! Queshi fuhuole!

Coptic: Christos anesti! Alithos anesti!

Czech: Kristus vstal a mrtvych! Opravdi vstoupil!

Danish: Kristus er opstanden! I sandhed Han er Opstanden!

(or Sandelig Han er Opstanden!)

Dutch: Christus is opgestaan! Ja, hij is waarlijk opgestaan!

Eritrean-Tigre: Christos tensiou! Bahake tensiou!

Esperanto: Kristo levigis! Vere levigis!

Estonian: Kristus on oolestoosunt! Toayestee on oolestoosunt!

Ethiopian: Christos t'ensah em' muhtan! Exai' ab-her eokala!

Finnish: Kristus nousi kuolleista! Totisesti nousi!

French: Le Christ est ressuscite! En verite il est ressuscite!

Gaelic: Kriost eirgim! Eirgim!

Georgian: Kriste ahzdkhah! Chezdmaridet!

German: Christus ist erstanden! Er ist wahrhaftig erstanden!

Greek: Christos anesti! Alithos anesti!

Hawaiian: Ua ala hou `o Kristo! Ua ala `I `o no `oia!

Hebrew: Ha Masheeha houh kam! A ken kam! (or Be emet quam!)

Icelandic: Kristur er upprisinn! Hann er vissulega upprisinn!

Indonesian: Kristus telah bangkit! Benar dia telah bangkit!

Italian: Cristo e' risorto! Veramente e' risorto!

Japanese: Harisutosu Fukkatsu! Jitsu ni Fukkatsu!

Javanese: Kristus sampun wungu! Saesto panjene ganipun sampun wungu!

Korean: Kristo gesso! Buhar ha sho nay!

Latin: Christus resurrexit! Vere resurrexit!

Latvian: Kristus ir augsham sales! Teyasham ir augsham sales vinsch!

Lugandan: Kristo ajukkide! Amajim ajukkide!

Malayalam (Indian): Christu uyirthezhunnettu! Theerchayayum uyirthezhunnettu!

Nigerian: Jesu Kristi ebiliwo! Ezia o' biliwo!

Norwegian: Kristus er oppstanden! Han er sannelig oppstanden!

Polish: Khristus zmartvikstau! Zaiste zmartvikstau!

Portugese: Cristo ressuscitou! Em verdade ressuscitou!

Romanian: Cristos a inviat! Adevarat a inviat!

Russian: Khristos voskrese! Voistinu voskrese!

Sanskrit: Kristo'pastitaha! Satvam upastitaha!

Serbian: Cristos vaskres! Vaistinu vaskres!

Slovak: Kristus vstal zmr'tvych! Skutoc ne vstal!

Spanish: Cristo ha resucitado! En verdad ha resucitado!

Swahili: Kristo amefufukka! Kweli Amefufukka!

Swedish: Christus ar uppstanden! Han ar verkligen uppstanden!

Syriac: M'shee ho dkom! Ha koo qam!

Tlingit: Xristos Kuxwoo-digoot! Xegaa-kux Kuxwoo-digoot!

Turkish: Hristos diril-di! Hakikaten diril-di!

Ugandan: Kristo ajukkide! Kweli ajukkide!

Ukranian: Khristos voskres! Voistinu voskres!

Welsh: Atgyfododd Crist! Atgyfododd yn wir!

Yupik: Xris-tusaq Ung-uixtuq! Iluumun Ung-uixtuq!

Zulu: Ukristu uvukile! Uvukile kuphela!

Basque: Cristo Berbistua! Benatan Berbistua!

Breton: Dasorc'het eo Krist ! E wirionez eo dasorc'het ! 

Catalan - Crist ha ressuscitat! Veritablement ha ressuscitat!

Chamorro: La'la'i i Kristo! Magahet na luma'la' i Kristo! 

Filipino (Tagalog): Si Cristo ay nabuhay! Siya nga ay nabuhay!

Irish Gaelic: Tá Críost éirithe! Go deimhin, tá sé éirithe!

Maltese: Kristu qam! Huwa qam tassew! 

Manx: Taw Creest Ereen! Taw Shay Ereen Guhdyne!

Scots Gaelic: Tha Crìosd air èiridh! Gu dearbh, tha e air èiridh! 

Yiddish: Der Meschiache undzer iz geshtanen! Avade er iz ufgeshtanen!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday Blog Post

Today is Good Friday!
Warning: gonna be kinda wordy and serious for small parts, buuut you'll get my commentary in the parentheses as we go, got it? good.

We mourn the crucifixion of of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ:
His humiliation at the hands of the roman guards, the crown of thorns, the purple robe, the lashings, and his crucifixion were all read out in the twelve gospel readings of last night, (tl;dr.... REALLY LONG SERVICE)
and then father brought out the icon of Christ on the cross:

Today, after lots of sleeping (and not having to wake up for school, WOOT!) we got to celebrate the Hours services, in which we reread the gospels about the crucifixion etc (a bunch) and during the last one, we get to read the beatitudes! (warning, godspell clip incoming!)
Tonight, we'll have the friday night vigil service, and then the Good Friday retreat, in which the teens stay up until REALLY early doing stuff to make the church ready for the Saturday night service. and then chant the Saturday morning service. 

Just something random, my favorite Icon in my church: 
It's the "dome" icon, but we don't have a dome, so it's flat, but it's been my fave icon since i was little.

Anyways, now, to do english homework! (just because i'm out of school doesnt mean i'm out of homework)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good Friday Updates

I know I promised a post tonight, even without food, but it took me too long to get around to it, so I've nothing worth saying. To make up for my lack of meaningful post tonight, I will be giving updates on the Hours services that I will be going to tomorrow during the day INSTEAD of being at school ^_^ have a good night everyone!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thursday Bento, holy week

So, Today's post will be a bit shorter, but I promise to post more tomorrow night, even though I won't have a lunch (I'll be at church for the Hours services instead of at school on Friday) Today's post will just be food, because I'm quite tired, and had a rather long day. And have been playing a LOT of portal 2. I'm so GLaD to be back... (yes, it's another reference)

Broccoli in cheese sauce flavored rice, fake chicken nuggets, and ketchup, because that actually sounds really good, and I can't wait to eat it tomorrow ^_^ (i've been looking forward to the cheesy rice and broccoli all week)



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wednesday of Holy Week bento

PORTAL 2 IS OUT. I stayed up until 1 AM playing it after I posted last night. I can't give any spoilers, but I will say a few things about it that don't give anything away. It has been amazingly optimized, so that it can run even on my laptop (4 years old, and worked nearly to death, poor Esmerelda, luckily I'll be getting a desktop for graduation, so that'll take most of the strain off her) 

The graphics are wonderful, the sounds... WOW. I've been looking at concept art for this game since last February, and had it pre-ordered for 4 months ahead of time, so when Valve released it early (yes, Valve is awesome. Working there is my dream job... or working for Steam, but.. mainly Valve) They released it at 11:30 last night, It took until 12 for it to finish downloading, decrypting, and verifying (and yes, I did already have it preloaded, I might add) but, then, I played for an hour, and was in absolute gamergirl heaven! (Seriously, the only words Sam could get out of me via text were "omgomgomgomgomgomgomg" and "AAAHHHHH!!!!PORTAL2ISOUT!!!!SOMUCHAWESOME!!!!!") 

Now that I'm done with my Portal 2 Appreciation for the moment.... (ok wait.. no I'm not, back to Portal 1:
"Aperture Science would like to remind you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you, as it cannot talk"  
and as a sidenote, anyone who gets me one of these? I will love you forever: )

NOW! Onto the food! 

This should all look rather familiar, fake chicken nuggets in sweet and sour sauce, veggies, and rice, and then the goldfish cookie medley:

Yes, I'm being lazy, but, it's holy week, cut a girl a break, There's your post for the night!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Tuesday of holy week bento

Well, Assassins is over now. As I was going to be out anyways for not getting my target, I allowed my Assassin to shoot me, as it's better that he gets the point for taking me out and gets closer to winning then my having played meaning nothing ^_^ 

Secondly, tonight's holy Monday service was fantastic... I started out the evening by looking at my holy week book, and realizing that I've had it since I was ten, I'm eighteen now, and expected to be an adult. It was an odd realization for me, because it truly does not feel like it was 8 years ago that I was actually old enough to have my own holy week book. Pascha has been my favorite holiday for a long time, not only because it breaks the long Lenten fast (BACON!) but because it's a celebration of  Christ's resurrection. My dress for Holy Saturday is long and white, in celebration of Christ rising from the tomb on the third day, and raising the dead as he does. It is the happiest time of the year, and even if my Pascha does not often fall on the same weekend as American Easter, it is still the largest celebration of my year. (and yes, we do roast lamb on a spit, it's pretty amusing)

So! Onto the food!

Noah's Ark themed lunch today!
we have ark shaped waffles, and I got a lion and giraffe for my sausage shapes (Elena got a bear and an elephant)  and then we have mixed veggies again, because I'm in a veggie mood!

There's your post!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Monday of holy week

Alrght! We begin the week with my attempt at being semi healthy! veggies, and fake chicken nuggets! but mainly a WHOLE BUNCH OF VEGGIES.

Baby Veggie Medly, and fake chicken nuggets, I will have you note that basically every single meal that has required cooking on this entire blog, was microwaved. because stoves hate me, and like to nom on my fingers and burn them. It's kinda a problem, but bodes well for my survival of college, I have some serious microwaving skills! (And a very odd love of spaghettios... Aaaand a mountain dew addiction.) Anyways, It's Sunday night, i'm off to bed!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

FRIDAY BENTO!!!! End of the week before holy week!

O_O So, I logged into the stats counter for the views today.. and realized that the HUGE spike that I saw was an 89 viewer spike earlier this evening! It was absolutely ridiculous! you've officially made my blog feel read ^_^ it's much appreciated. 

Assassins update: Still not out... Still haven't taken out my target. Kinda dull, but, it's a Thursday, what do you want from me? Anyways, Food! I didn't end up eating the snackish things in the bottom compartment, so i just shook that up and now have almondsandgoldfish. but I have a new main dish in the top compartment... that looks really smushy and such: 

It's veggie lasagna! we'll have to see how this turns out.....

Anyways, I NEED SLEEP. goodnight everyone!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thursday bento the week before holy week

WELL! I feel pretty smart right now, I've moved stuff around so that I can get my car halfway into the garage, and not have to leave the garage to get in. Thus eliminating basically any chance my assassin has of taking me out. So that's pretty win! Now I just have to figure out how to get my target.... 

Another tactic I've used this week is the "stay away from the house for long enough after school that your assassin gets bored" I spent most of Tuesday afternoon at my boyfriend's school hanging out with him and some of his friends. Besides my random dentist appointment, of course, at which I found out that I'm an anomaly and do not have any wisdom teeth. at all. meaning I don't have to get them out! Hooray!

And now for the food!

Tomorrow we'll be having Alfredo, with Shrimp, Broccoli, and Peas (I dug one of the shrimp up from the middle so you can see that I'm not fibbing)  some Dark Chocolate Coated Almonds... and more of the goldfish crackers. I do believe it's becoming an addiction, but they're just so good!  

OH! and another treat for you all... a picture of my official prom dress that I made in sewing this semester. (Sam asked me last week ^_^ In a really creative and nerdified way, meaning it was perfect. Also meaning that I'm allowed to start getting excited for prom)

I know it's not the best picture at the moment, but, the neck piece is woven ribbon, and it's about ballet length, I'm wearing the same Cinderella shoes I wore to homecoming, so I'll be pretty comfy in those... The dress itself is based off of the snowflake costumes from The Nutcracker... I had to alter the pattern a few times to get the look right (and believe you me, three layers of fabric for each piece sewn is much harder then it looks. I'm officially proud of this dress ^_^ )

So there's your post! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wednesday Bento week before holy week

I officially take back what I said about my new assassin, he had me treed like a 'coon for 45 minutes this morning! I  ended up being late to school because of it... but, after some geometry and sneakiness, I shot him over the back fence.... All of this morning's antics were enough to make some people bet on me to win... and enough to make me tired of this game. I played cat and mouse for 45 minutes, just to gain my 20 minutes of not being chased by shooting him. and I'm betting he'll be back tomorrow. This will get old REALLY fast. Anyways, more on that tomorrow. 

Now, food!

you're going to see a repeat of the main dish in this lunch because I really liked it the first time around. I've brought in another box of the fake meat barbecue ribbets because they were really good. (and 18 grams of protein in one sitting) I've also put a bunch of dry cereal snackish type things in the top compartment today because I have my odd hours today, which means I have third lunch, and need something to snack on in my 5th hour class so I don't get hungry before lunch. but, I'll save my rant on the school's ridiculous schedule for another day.

Cereal wise we have cinnamon toast crunch, cheerios, and the three types of goldfish cookie/crackers (I know they aren't ceral, but they're snackish, and I can munch on them without being a distraction in class)
and then the 18 grams of protein that tastes like barbecue ribbet in the bottom compartment ^_^ 

There's your post!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tuesday Bento, week before holy week

WOW. I came back to my laptop this evening to find a 49 page view spike, followed by a 25 page view spike an hour later! Never again do I underestimate my readers, I apologize if I offended any of my more faithful readers with my remarks last night, I love you guys! now then! onto the food:

I do believe I was feeling sort of angular today... I've got squareish mini waffles (with syrup!) and angular prismal apple slices, covered with peanut butter for protien (I appreciate the breakfast for lunch idea as much as the next girl, but as it's lunch, I need brain food to get me through AP Psych.)

Oh! and an update! I'm still in Senior Assassins! I have yet to eliminate my target, she's rather elusive, but my first assassin and second assassin have both come after me.. neither succeeded ^_^ the first was rather daft about it, running up to my car and yelling through the window "get out of the car!" multiple times and wasting his water gun ammo on my window... (my reply: "not on your life") but the current assassin, who took out the first and then had his target, was quite a bit more stealthy, and if I weren't completely paranoid on a good day (senior assassins only aggravates it) he might have gotten me. but, at the very least, he was courteous when he realized I wasn't going to leave my car to get squirted.

and there's your post! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday Bento, week before holy week

I've had a very saddening drop off in reader numbers. when my posting spike is 4 views, you know it's dropping off. badly. Anyways, likely means that the last two weeks of lent will not be quite as enthusiastic as the others... if only for the fact that my writing and post length improves with views... but, c'est la vie.

Tomorrow's lunch is rather... orange looking.
I know it just looks like a smush of rice and veggies in sweet and sour sauce.. but it's rice, veggies, and fake chicken nuggets in sweet and sour sauce! sorta a version of sweet and sour chicken, but without the meat! and then we also have some vanilla, chocolate, and honey flavored goldfish cookies, because I promised Elena a neopolitan of sorts made out of the three flavors of goldfish. 

So that's the post, have at it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

TGIF Bento!

Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! YAY!!!! End of the week, time to celebrate! (Senioritis, it's kicked in hard.) so, tomorrow's lunch, is quite yummy looking, to compliment the fact that it's Friday!
you've got chocolate goldfish cookies, a tomato, and fried mandarin orange chicken nuggets with accompanying mandarin orange sauce! it's multicolored! (or, at least looks more colorful today due to the tomatoes being red) Anyways, happy end of the week everyone!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thursday Bento

Well, it's that time again! (albeit a bit earlier then normal) Lenten Bento post time! Today's lunch was really quite good, the barbecue ribbette thingamabobs were yummy (don't worry, I reheat all my fake meat meals in the microwave at school before eating them, so that they're not gross) Tomorrow's lunch involves rice with vegetables and mandarin orange sauce, and a vegetable roll, because that's what sounded yummy to me today ^_^

I apologize for the slight blurriness, I think I got a bit of oil on my phone's camera lens when I picked it up. FAIL. Anyways, yummy veggie rice in mandarin orange sauce, and a vegetable roll, as I said earlier. I'm excited for it!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wednesday Bento (middle of the week... lovely)

The game's afoot! Senior Assassins began this week, I've acquired my target, and now just have to hit said target with my water gun before two weeks are up! In other news, LUNCH! cupcake liners didn't work so well.. got a bit smushy and soggy. 

Fake barbecue riblets! actually smells REALLY good ^_^ and, the chicken nuggets today actually tasted FANTASTIC. so that was good.. Tomorrow we'll be having half an apple, the fake barbecue thingamabob, and vanilla goldfish crackers! yum!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuesday Bento

So! I went shopping! aaand then got distracted playing with my new watergun.. Fully automatic, and with an extra tank of ammo ^_~ I looooove it. Anyways, there's veggie chicken nuggets now! in chicken nugget shape! so I decided to play around with that, and with an idea given to me by my aunt Cheryl! She suggested mini cupcake liners as ketchup holders, so i'm going to give it a shot ^_^

also, FAIL. I didn't leave enough room to work with on the counter today, so you get a lovely picture including my striped socks (matching for once!) and part of my laptop! (yes, the left click key IS that worn, I do live online you know!) as you can see, ketchup in mini cupcake liners (i looove ketchup!) and chicken nuggets (i had to cut one up because it was too big to fit in the box otherwise) aaaand, honey flavored whole wheat goldfish crackers! It'll be a good lunch ^_^


Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Next Monday Bento

Sooo.. awesome weekend was awesome, got lots of quality time with my BF, played on my 3DS, all around good things! But, now it's time to prepare for school tomorrow.. which means, BENTO! Tomorrow's lunch isn't that creative, just yummy, i'll be going shopping sometime in the next week for more fun things to put in my bento (fun.. and easy, because i'm growing lazier as lent goes on) anyways. 
carrot pieces.. healthy, pbj rectangles.... healthy..ish. aaaand french fried onions. total snackification unhealthiness. nope, i'm not craving salt at all * sarcasm* so, anyways, if anyone has any lunch suggestions, or things to put in lunch suggestions, give me some comments! i could use the ideas (as you've probably seen, due to the recent influx of sandwiches) thanks! 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh hey, tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!

Sooooo....  tomorrow's lunch is more fake burgers, with A1 steak sauce, win. and a whole apple, fit into the top container (that part took skill)

So I'm definitely addicted to my new 3DS. It is AWESOME. the Augmented Reality games are really neat! and i've been playing pokemon black nonstop since I started it this morning, it's quite fantastic! I picked Oshawott (this guy:
) as my starter, he's sorta like a very cute but... slow... otter looking thing. but all in all he's serving me very well as as starter pokemon, he's a water type, which, water/psychic types are my favorite, so that works well. Anyways, enough about videogames, I need to sleep! Ciao everyone!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today's lunch is not REALLY exciting, but, My new 3DS came in, and that WAS really exciting, so lunch kinda got backburnered until LATE tonight... sorry guys, i know, my writing should come first, but have you SEEN the tech on this thing!? the 3DS is really awesome! (thanks to my dad, who gave me mine as my birthday present) So I've been playing with the fun features on that all evening (in and around a trip to the fabric store, presanctified liturgy, choir practice, etc.) anyways, lunch!

Today, we have a mosaic cut of PB&J sandwich, some grapefruit slices, and shell shaped.. fudge poptart pieces. (I really REALLY like the chocolate fudge poptarts, I have no idea why, they're just really awesome. so I felt the need to treat myself to some due to the week seeming really long.)  anyways, new post tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wednesday Bento again...

Soooo I've got Senioritis, so lunches are getting less fun looking, I apologize... I'll attempt to fix that in the next few days! tomorrow's lunch is pretty white looking, banana's, more sandwich cut outs, and some pocky ^_^

Yep.. Wednesday.. middle of the week. Rather dull... another update tomorrow.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday Bento again

So I know this lunch looks a bit familiar, heart shaped sandwiches, apples, but there's something new here! Pocky! possibly one of my favorite Japanese snackifications. I eat it basically the entire weekend at Naka Kon, it's pretty epic.

anyways, I was craving sweet things again, so, apples, strawberry jelly with peanutbutter, and pocky, chocolate dipped biscuit crackerthingies. ^_^ yum!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Monday. again.

Tomorrow's lunch will involve lots of animal shaped foods:
Fish shaped crackers, chick shaped fruit leather pieces, bunny (supposedly) shaped hamburger bits... you can sorta see the bunny shape on the top right one.. the others kinda just look like mush. so that's a fail....
happy Monday everyone.... (yay for oxymorons. sorta like jumbo shrimp.)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

because it's FRIDAY FRIDAY, gotta get down on FRIDAY!

Yes. I just made a Rebecca Black reference in my title XD XD I love the internet.. so much stupidity.
(btw, if you haven't been exposed to this yet... don't hate me:

So. Todays lunch was pretty good, different shapes do kinda make the fake burgers taste different.. idk, it was pretty good (and i'm STILL getting compliments on my lightsaber chopsticks!) Tomorrow's lunch will involve something new! Fake hotdogs! 

Fake Hotdog Flowers. yep... they're thicker than the fake meats, so it just looks like less, in truth they're just taller. and, as always, Ketchup.. not sure why, but I love the stuff (I basically count it as a vegetable by this point XD) 

Dark chocolate powdered almonds again, because Elena said they were a hit at her lunch table yesterday....

And my newest favorite snackish type thing: Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter egg bites! they're like extra mini sandwiches, only more fun! (yes, it's lent, cut a girl some slack, i'm allowed some egg shaped things)

So that's tomorrow's lunch... you likely wont get a post tomorrow night, because i'm performing with Troupe Omega at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant (COME SEE US!!!) see everyone next week! Andrea AWAY!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Thursday bento!

So, yesterdays lunch, mostly good, but the wheat cakes caused me to spit them out. not the best idea.

Todays lunch, involves fake burger butterflies, dark chocolate powdered almonds, and blueberry cakes:

And yes, the picture is VERY blue today.. not certain why... Anyways, I'm really sleepy, therefore, short early post, and early to bed. Ciao everyone!

Just a side note.

For those of you who read my blog and would like more randomness from me, my twitter is @EmeraldTigress, I also tweet when I post at night, so you can get an update automatically by following me on Twitter.. though I warn you now. I do use my twitter feed for more than blog updates, so you'll be listening in on whatever goes through my mind, but not extensively. Thanks! I'll be posting later tonight, as always.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wednesday Bento week 4ish

So! Tomorrow's bento! butternut squash and brown sugar ravioli, (Many thanks to Presvitera Lois for this idea) wheat cakes (Aunt Chris, you rock) and grapes! Hooray!
So, what do you think of the color scheme? I've got the red and yellow wheat cake wrappers to go with the red and yellow pasta.. I found it quite amusing (it's also nearly midnight, so no surprise there)  

And, I would be a liar if I didn't live up to my word and mention that my twin managed to kidnap me for the first part of LoTR on Saturday afternoon (better, Peter?) and, I have to say, for all my nerdiness... I have not read or seen any of the series before that... Sooo.. It's looking pretty neat from what I've seen so far ^_^

See you tomorrow!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday bento, week.. er.. 4?

So, sorry for not posting AT ALL during spring break.. I spent most of the week watching doctor who with either my best friend and twin Peter, (well, he's not actually my twin, but it's a running joke of ours) or my other best friend and boyfriend, Sam. (who, coincidentally, earned many many brownie points this weekend, more on that later)

I'm going to write about tomorrow's food first, and then I'll get to the fun stuff about spring break after, so that those of you who could care less about the author can get your food info and be on your way. ^_^
In tomorrow's bento box: mini seashell shaped spicy fake chicken bites, Peach gummies (from japan), and strawberries. I know it seems rather minimalistic, but I spent most of today being sick as a big dog as well as cleaning my room, so not really in the mood for food. I thoroughly expect Elena and myself, if I feel like it, to go buy some extra side dishes (I.E. veggies) in the cafeteria tomorrow.
So, there's tomorrow's lunch... now onto the spring break!

I spent Monday at Peter's house watching part of season 1 of Doctor Who, because I had already told him that's what was gonna happen over spring break, as we both stayed in town. Tuesday I had both Peter and Sam over to watch some more of season 1 (Sam and I are both BIG Doctor Who fans, so it was quite amusing..) and the rest of the week basically followed suit... except for Saturday, when I went to a cooking session in preparation for the Greek festival at my church. and Saturday night, which I spent watching Serenity (the follow up movie to the Firefly television show) with Sam. Sunday there was church (lots of it, always fun) and then vespers... after which (here comes the brownie points part of the story) Sam and I went to see Beastly (yes, it's a chick flick) because I asked him nicely, he went to see it with me (cue the "awww"s) and then today, I cleaned. a LOT. and was sick, which was no fun. but, tomorrow will be a new day! and I'll have to go back to school. ew. 

As long as I survive the next few months of school though, I'll be becoming a Jayhawk! That was officially decided this week as well. So I'd say I had quite an eventful spring break even without leaving the state ^_^ Thanks for bearing with me through this REALLY LONG POST. 


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Late weekend post

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of post on Friday night, I didn't end up making the bento until late late late, so I was just too tired to post. I ended up using more of the fake chicken for moon shaped chicken nuggets, dark chocolate roasted almonds, and fritos (yes, I was being lazy) Saturday the person who ate the other bento was Sam (my boyfriend) because he was awesome and  came to the robotics tournament to support me ^_^ (cue the "awww"ing)

Anyways, onto the part you've all been waiting for, how the robotics tournament went! Well, sadly, though our outreach program is stellar (if you haven't heard about my latest outreach project 'Laptops for Maniche', I'm raising money to send one hundred solar powered laptops to a school in Maniche, Haiti. This project is very near and dear to my heart, so anyone wishing to donate can contact me at  ...and seeing as I'm working on raising $25,000 any donations would be really really appreciated) but, continuing on, we did not win the Chairmans award. So no making it to nationals for us that way (and now we see why I needed the support, I'm head of outreach for my team, so my project failing to win like that was rather depressing)

Nor did we make it into the final rounds with our bot... our minibot worked, our bot ended up working by Friday,  but our deployment system for the minibot went to heck in a handbasket, and due to a number of unfortunate alliance members... we were too low of a seed to get picked in the final alliances (for those of you who have no idea what all I just said.. here's a link to the FIRST video explaining this years competition: )

So, to recap, my team, Sargon 2335, lost miserably, but, I ended up having an OK night anyways (again, thanks to the person mentioned at the beginning of the blog post) Today, I had to give my speech for the Saint   John Chrysostom Oratorical festival at my church (I made the topic into a fun one of Feminism in the Patriarchal Church Hierarchy of the Orthodox Church) I won second, meaning I do not have to compete in the Metropolis Level. suits me just fine ^_^

Finally, Have a wonderful Sunday of Orthodoxy everyone! I'll see you next week for another Bento session, after spring break!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday Bento Week 2!!

So, not only will you get tonights post, but you'll likely get one tomorrow too! woo! 

Tomorrows lunch: 
Boca burger and potato shish kabobs, on heart shaped bread pieces with barbecue sauce on them, sliced apple, and whole wheat goldfish! again, i'll be having spaghettio's for dinner, it worked well today ^_^ 

Competition is going great, our bot is up and running, mini bot is working, and we're looking GREAT for our chances at nationals this year, fingers crossed!!!!