Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday Bento, week before holy week

I've had a very saddening drop off in reader numbers. when my posting spike is 4 views, you know it's dropping off. badly. Anyways, likely means that the last two weeks of lent will not be quite as enthusiastic as the others... if only for the fact that my writing and post length improves with views... but, c'est la vie.

Tomorrow's lunch is rather... orange looking.
I know it just looks like a smush of rice and veggies in sweet and sour sauce.. but it's rice, veggies, and fake chicken nuggets in sweet and sour sauce! sorta a version of sweet and sour chicken, but without the meat! and then we also have some vanilla, chocolate, and honey flavored goldfish cookies, because I promised Elena a neopolitan of sorts made out of the three flavors of goldfish. 

So that's the post, have at it.

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